What does a soul retrieval look like?
Its quite simple really. You arrive. We talk for arorund 10 minuets.You lay down and we get you comfortable. I say some prayers and humbaly ask for healing for you. Then I work with rattle, drum, gong, singing on your behalf to see what energy work you may need. We could be retriving lost parts of you in the underworld and or releasing energy you may be holding from others or clearing stuck energy in your mind , body, spirit or emotions. It varys on your needs.
How does a distance treatment work?
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
How often do I need a session?
Depending on where you are with your needs for example if you are severe dis-ease or crisis a weekly session is suggested. With Soul Retrieval time is needed to integrate the welcoming home of lost soul part, but it s goo to have sound healing in-between SR to support potential emotional integration.
Can I learn with you?
Yes. I am a fully insured and certified Tutor for The College of Sound Healing. We are members of the Complimentary Health Association I teach Sound Healing Practitioner with the Voice certiflied Diploma, How to Run a Sound Bath and Shamanic Practitioner Training course. Please take a look on my current courses page here.
What do I need to wear?
Comfortable loose fitting clothes. For a gong or sound bath you remain fully clothed throughout the session. You are bathed in sound not water ;0)
What is Care for the dead and dying?
A need is commonly observed for those on the path towards the light to resolve unresolved issues, grievances an unravelling of old stories if you like or a cutting of emotiona threads. Regular sessions bring much comfort and can even help them cross over if they are ready and need assistance.
Can this work help someone who has unalived themselves?
Yes, We have 1st hand experience of how much greif and distress this can cause the person in questions spirit and to the family around them. Help can be given in a simple distance session to resolve the lost soul syndrome and help them freely on their next journey onwards with love and positive support.
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